Monday, 17 November 2014

Installing 3of9Font in App Server for BARCODE

Barcode font insatalled for generates the image of barcode and for generate  barcode we should require FONTS free3of9.ttf its can be downloaded from different sites  but  here i am providing you  the zip file of this font so you can easily download it from here.

1) Extract FREE3OF9.TTF
2) Install this font in c:windowsfonts, do not extract FRE3OF9X.TTF. and follows the instructions. 
Deploying font on Server

  • C:\windows\Fonts
  • E:\pt853\jre\lib\fonts
  • E:\pt853\fonts\truetype
  1. You can directly past this font in given directories.
  2. After this open your PS_HOME and follows the instructions
Configuere font in App Server in  xdo.cfg file
In folder PS_HOME/appserv to can find file xdo.cfg. Open this file and add the following lines:

<config version=”1.0.0″ xmlns=””>

<!– System level properties –>
<property name=”xslt-xdoparser”>true</property>
<property name=”xslt-scalable”>true</property>
<property name=”system-cachepage-size”>50</property>
<property name=”system-temp-dir”></property>

<font family=”Free 3 of 9″ style=”normal” weight=”normal”>
<truetype path=”C:Windows\Fonts\FREE3OF9.TTF”/>

Save the file and Reboot the App Server and Process Sheduler

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